Men's Ministry
The NCCOGIC Men’s Department is led by Elder Les Britt. Our director desires our brothers to be empowered through the Word of God to be successful, productive, and neighborly and to live responsible lives. All men are welcome and encouraged to join this brotherhood and to participate in its activities to build and demonstrate positive male relationships in our church collectively.
Mission Statement
As brothers in Christ, we aim to sincerely demonstrate reconciliation, friendship, teamwork, faithfulness, forgiveness, and fellowship within and without (outside) the church.
Mission Objectives
- Promote unity and trust - thru inclusive group interaction
- Plan, fund and promote fellowship opportunities/activities
- Teach men to be Godly fathers, husbands, workers, and role models
- Identify, cultivate, and promote effective leadership traits
- Mentor and include youth in appropriate activities
- Maintain helpful relationships through obedience, dedication, and a sincere desire to do the will of God.